Sunday, November 17, 2019

6 Reasons Why You Need to Have Several Resume Versions

6 Reasons Why You Need to Have Several Resume Versions 6 Reasons Why You Need to Have Several Resume Versions When you’re job hunting, you might think having one resume can do the trick to help you land a job. Think again. There are many cases in which having multiple versions of your resume can help you get your foot in the door faster. For the greatest impact, tailor each resume for every job application. Here are six scenarios in which having various resume versions can help you land a job: 1. Same Industry, New Position If you’ve worked as a high school science teacher for years but are looking to teach the Scientific Method to elementary school kids, you’ll need to  revamp your resume. While you can highlight your overall successes as a teacher, you’ll need to illustrate why you’d be the best candidate to teach to a whole new demographic. 2. Same Industry, Various Positions Let’s face it. When you’ve been job searching for a while, you can start to get desperate. That desperation can cause you to apply for any old job in your industry, regardless of experience. Having a resume that caters to various jobs within your industry not only shows your versatility, but also makes you a more competent candidate than you would be if you sent out a resume that wasn’t really a match. Make sure to highlight your experience, but don’t skimp on your skills that are transferable in the industry. 3. Same Industry, Telecommuting Position You love your career as a writer. But frankly, you’re tired of schlepping into the office, day in and day out. You want to continue in your career, but from the comfort of your home office. Redesign your resume  to illustrate any previous work-at-home experience and spotlight the work-at-home traits you already possess to make your telecommuting transition seamless. 4. Completely New Career Field Sure, in your previous position you were your company’s marketing maven, but that isn’t going to transfer when you’re applying to become a new organization’s social media manager. Spotlight the specific skills and work experiences that make you a fit for the new job. Then, build new skills and experience by volunteering, interning, freelancing, or taking on a part-time role. 5. New Industry, Same Position Even if you worked as an accountant in a law firm, it might not be the same as working as an accountant for a theatrical company. It’s up to you to show how your solid experience in your career can seamlessly cross over to a new industry. 6. New Industry, New Position You’re consumed with making cute cookies. The thing is, you’ve been a bookkeeper since, well, forever. When you’re applying for a completely different position in a brand-new field, previous work experience doesn’t count. But passion sure does. Emphasize all your post-5:00 p.m.  endeavors working and studying in the field you truly love and make that the  focus of your resume. Job seekers have to be creative when looking for a job. Depending on what type of job you’re looking for, customizing your resume to shine a light on the strengths you already possess will  make you the perfect candidate for the position. Don’t forget to  utilize your cover letter  as well! Your cover letter will be a great introduction into the changes you are making in your career, as well as a place to explain why you will be a good fit for the role. Interested in finding a new position? You can get started by browsing telecommuting, part-time, and flexible positions in 55 categories.   Readers, do you have different resume versions? If so, how many? Let us know in the comments section below! Jessica Howington contributed to this post.  

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